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The WSGA this year started providing its member clubs with a Web site and software to manage their golf leagues, and 33 leagues at nine courses used the system. Basically, a league secretary can log in and enter scores, and players have immediate Web access to standings and results.

“In the past we’d wait until the following Wednesday and then we were given a printed handout with our results. This was far, far better,” Neuman said while talking about the WSGA golf league management system.
It’s an amazing Web site. They have a lot of detail and a lot of information. We were able to get the results faster than we were before, and it worked out well. It’s excellent software.”

From the Wisconsin Golfer
November/December 2008

I am the commissioner of my golf league and I am a big fan of Our league has been on for three years. I expect that we will stay on it for a long time. It makes life easy for the commissioner and for the players. The webmaster also continues to improve the system each year and he is open to suggestions for improvement from the users. I selected three years ago after searching many websites and software options and I am very happy with my selection. (and I'm not getting paid for my opinion)

I love it as a commissioner and the players love it as well. It handles all our calculations and team scoring and standings. We selected the option to have the golfers enter their scores directly into the system, so it saves the commissioner all that hassle. But the golfers love it as well because they get immediate feedback on the scores, standings, and handicaps as they enter their scores. The golfers are also just one click away from reviewing the league information any time they want to. I'd recommend it to any league commissioner. Hit 'em straight,

Chris O'Neill
Bethlehem, PA

This is our 2nd year with IMA and we love it too. The guys love being able to see where they stand anytime they want. The system is very user friendly and most importantly, if I email IMA's commissioner he always emails me back with an answer to my questions. You don't get that with other golf software. Trust me, we have used several over the years. Keep up the good work IMA. Thanks for providing a great software at a reasonable price.

Charter Lakes Golf League
Ohio is so easy to use, I can't imagine running my golf league without it. 
It is everything you Want and Need in a website.

Chris P.
Oxford, MI


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